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Scripture in transition : essays on Septuagint, Hebrew Bible, and Dead Sea scrolls in honour of Raija Sollamo / edited by Anssi Voitila and Jutta Jokiranta.

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English, French, German Series: Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism ; v. 126.Publication details: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.Description: xxxviii, 748 p. : 25 cmISBN:
  • 9789004165823 (hardback : alk. paper)
  • 9004165827 (hardback : alk. paper)
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 492.4/5 23
LOC classification:
  • PJ4553 .S37 2008
Online resources:
The renderings of the Hebrew preposition [le-] in predicate expressions denoting transition and becoming something in LXX Genesis and Exodus / Katri Tenhunen -- The book of Joshua in the Vulgate / Seppo Sipilä -- Flora in Cantico canticorum : towards a more precise characterisation of translation technique in the LXX of Song of songs / Bénédicte Lemmelijn -- LXX's rendering of Hebrew proper names and the characterisation of translation technique of the book of Judges / Hans Ausloos -- "Statute" or "covenant"? : remarks on the rendering of the word [ḥoḳ] in the Greek Ben Sira / Marko Marttila -- Prepositional phrases in the Septuagint of Ezekiel / Katrin Hauspie -- Linguistic or ideological shifts? : the problem-oriented study of transformations as a methodological filter / Theo A.W. van der Louw -- An ear for an eye--lay literacy and the Septuagint / Cameron Boyd-Taylor -- Transcribing, translating, and interpreting in the Letter of Aristeas : on the nature of the Septuagint / Benjamin G. Wright III -- Reflections on the "interlinear paradigm" in Septuagintal studies / Jan Joosten -- The promulgation of the Pentateuch in Greek according to the Letter of Aristeas / Arie van der Kooij -- Light from 1QIsaa̳ on the translation technique of the Old Greek translator of Isaiah / Eugene Ulrich -- Isaiah 8:23-9:6 and its Greek translation / John J. Collins -- The sour grapes : Ezekiel 18 / Johan Lust -- The Greek Pentateuch and 4 Maccabees / Robert J.V. Hiebert -- Not quite angels : a commentary on Psalm 8 in Greek / Albert Pietersma -- A textual-exegetical commentary on three chapters in the Septuagint / Emanuel Tov -- Why should we care about the original text? / R. Timothy McLay -- Old Greek and later revisors : can we always distinguish them? / Peter J. Gentry -- On the name of God in the Old Greek Schøyen Leviticus papyrus / Kristin De Troyer -- Le Seigneur choisira-t-il le lieu de son nom ou l'a-t-il choisi? : l'apport de la Bible grecque ancienne à l'histoire du texte samaritain et massorétique / Adrian Schenker -- A kingdom at stake : reconstructing the Old Greek--deconstructing the Textus receptus / Anneli Aejmelaeus -- How to read the Greek text behind the Sahidic Coptic / Elina Perttilä -- Different sequences between the Septuagint and Antiochene texts / Ma. Victoria Spottorno -- New Hexaplaric readings to the LXX 1 Kings / Natalio Fernández Marcos -- Gedaliah's murder in 2 Kings 25:25 and Jeremiah 41:1-3 / Juha Pakkala -- The Greek Vorlage of the Ethiopic text of Ezekiel / Michael A. Knibb -- The nature of Lucian's revision of the text of Greek Job / Claude E. Cox -- Introductions to the LXX Pentateuch : keeping things updated / Robert A. Kraft -- The Greek of the Bible : translated Greek or translation Greek? / Georg Walser -- Septuagint lexicography and Hebrew etymology / Takamitsu Muraoka -- Die Frage nach dem Dativ in lokativischer Bedeutung im Neuen Testament / Lars Aejmelaeus -- The Greek traditions of proper names in the book of First Esdras and the problems of their transfer into a modern translation in the light of a new Finnish version / Tapani Harviainen -- Shifts in covenantal discourse in Second Temple Judaism / Sarianna Metso -- Transmitting divine mysteries : the prophetic role of wisdom teachers in the Dead Sea scrolls / Martti Nissinen -- The place of prophecy in coming out of exile : the case of the Dead Sea scrolls / George J. Brooke -- Ruth und Tamar als fremde Frauen in dem Davidischen Stammbaum / Pekka Särkiö -- David and his two women : an analysis of two poems in the Psalms scroll from Qumran (11Q5) / Bodil Ejrnæs -- Qumranic Psalm 91 : a structural analysis / Mika S. Pajunen -- The Temple scroll : is it more or less biblical? / Magnus Riska -- Dwellers at Qumran : reflections on their literacy, social status, and identity / Juhana Markus Saukkonen -- "Canon" and identity at Qumran : an overview and challenges for future research / Hanne von Weissenberg -- Jesus and the hemorrhaging woman in Mark 5:24-34 : insights from purity laws from the Dead Sea scrolls / Cecilia Wassen -- "Reclaiming" the Septuagint for Jews and Judaism / Leonard Greenspoon -- Teaching and studying biblical languages in the classroom and on the Web : developments and experiments at the University of Helsinki since the 1960s / Raimo Hakola and Jarmo Kiilunen -- The Bible among scriptures / Heikki Räisänen.
Item type: Books
Current library Collection Call number Vol info Status Date due Barcode
Judith Thomas Library General Stacks Books PJ 4553 .S37 2008 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) AUA24559 Available AUA24559

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

The renderings of the Hebrew preposition [le-] in predicate expressions denoting transition and becoming something in LXX Genesis and Exodus / Katri Tenhunen -- The book of Joshua in the Vulgate / Seppo Sipilä -- Flora in Cantico canticorum : towards a more precise characterisation of translation technique in the LXX of Song of songs / Bénédicte Lemmelijn -- LXX's rendering of Hebrew proper names and the characterisation of translation technique of the book of Judges / Hans Ausloos -- "Statute" or "covenant"? : remarks on the rendering of the word [ḥoḳ] in the Greek Ben Sira / Marko Marttila -- Prepositional phrases in the Septuagint of Ezekiel / Katrin Hauspie -- Linguistic or ideological shifts? : the problem-oriented study of transformations as a methodological filter / Theo A.W. van der Louw -- An ear for an eye--lay literacy and the Septuagint / Cameron Boyd-Taylor -- Transcribing, translating, and interpreting in the Letter of Aristeas : on the nature of the Septuagint / Benjamin G. Wright III -- Reflections on the "interlinear paradigm" in Septuagintal studies / Jan Joosten -- The promulgation of the Pentateuch in Greek according to the Letter of Aristeas / Arie van der Kooij -- Light from 1QIsaa̳ on the translation technique of the Old Greek translator of Isaiah / Eugene Ulrich -- Isaiah 8:23-9:6 and its Greek translation / John J. Collins -- The sour grapes : Ezekiel 18 / Johan Lust -- The Greek Pentateuch and 4 Maccabees / Robert J.V. Hiebert -- Not quite angels : a commentary on Psalm 8 in Greek / Albert Pietersma -- A textual-exegetical commentary on three chapters in the Septuagint / Emanuel Tov -- Why should we care about the original text? / R. Timothy McLay -- Old Greek and later revisors : can we always distinguish them? / Peter J. Gentry -- On the name of God in the Old Greek Schøyen Leviticus papyrus / Kristin De Troyer -- Le Seigneur choisira-t-il le lieu de son nom ou l'a-t-il choisi? : l'apport de la Bible grecque ancienne à l'histoire du texte samaritain et massorétique / Adrian Schenker -- A kingdom at stake : reconstructing the Old Greek--deconstructing the Textus receptus / Anneli Aejmelaeus -- How to read the Greek text behind the Sahidic Coptic / Elina Perttilä -- Different sequences between the Septuagint and Antiochene texts / Ma. Victoria Spottorno -- New Hexaplaric readings to the LXX 1 Kings / Natalio Fernández Marcos -- Gedaliah's murder in 2 Kings 25:25 and Jeremiah 41:1-3 / Juha Pakkala -- The Greek Vorlage of the Ethiopic text of Ezekiel / Michael A. Knibb -- The nature of Lucian's revision of the text of Greek Job / Claude E. Cox -- Introductions to the LXX Pentateuch : keeping things updated / Robert A. Kraft -- The Greek of the Bible : translated Greek or translation Greek? / Georg Walser -- Septuagint lexicography and Hebrew etymology / Takamitsu Muraoka -- Die Frage nach dem Dativ in lokativischer Bedeutung im Neuen Testament / Lars Aejmelaeus -- The Greek traditions of proper names in the book of First Esdras and the problems of their transfer into a modern translation in the light of a new Finnish version / Tapani Harviainen -- Shifts in covenantal discourse in Second Temple Judaism / Sarianna Metso -- Transmitting divine mysteries : the prophetic role of wisdom teachers in the Dead Sea scrolls / Martti Nissinen -- The place of prophecy in coming out of exile : the case of the Dead Sea scrolls / George J. Brooke -- Ruth und Tamar als fremde Frauen in dem Davidischen Stammbaum / Pekka Särkiö -- David and his two women : an analysis of two poems in the Psalms scroll from Qumran (11Q5) / Bodil Ejrnæs -- Qumranic Psalm 91 : a structural analysis / Mika S. Pajunen -- The Temple scroll : is it more or less biblical? / Magnus Riska -- Dwellers at Qumran : reflections on their literacy, social status, and identity / Juhana Markus Saukkonen -- "Canon" and identity at Qumran : an overview and challenges for future research / Hanne von Weissenberg -- Jesus and the hemorrhaging woman in Mark 5:24-34 : insights from purity laws from the Dead Sea scrolls / Cecilia Wassen -- "Reclaiming" the Septuagint for Jews and Judaism / Leonard Greenspoon -- Teaching and studying biblical languages in the classroom and on the Web : developments and experiments at the University of Helsinki since the 1960s / Raimo Hakola and Jarmo Kiilunen -- The Bible among scriptures / Heikki Räisänen.