Amos: Seek me and live
Material type:
- 1096-7559
- Adult Sabbath School Bible study guide (Teacher's ed.)
- Sabbath School Bible study guide adult teacher's edition
- Sabbath school lessons adult teacher's edition
- BX 6112 .88 2001

Each issue also has a distinctive title.
Description based on: No. 411 (Jan.-Mar. 1997); title from cover.
Effective 1st qtr 1998, title is Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Teacher's Edition)
The Non-Prophet Prophet;
Sins of the Neighbors;
“Hear This Word”;
Prepare To Meet Thy God;
“Seek the Lord”;
Pass Over Or Pass Through?
“At Ease in Zion”;
Vision One- Locusts and Prayer;
Vision Two- Judgment by Fire;
Vision Three- The Plumb Line;
Vision Four- Summer Fruit;
Vision Five- No Escape for the Lost;
Prepared by: Dept. of Sabbath School/Personal Ministries of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.