Give and take : a revolutionary approach to success / Adam M. Grant.
Material type:
- 9780670026555
- 158.2 23
- BF637.S8 G6855 2013

Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-294) and index.
Good returns: the dangers and rewards of giving more than you get -- The peacock and the panda: how givers, takers and matchers build networks -- The ripple effect: cascading collaboration and the dynamics of giving and taking credit -- Finding the diamond in the rough: the fact and fiction of recognizing potential -- The power of powerless communication: how to be modest and influence people -- The art of motivation maintenance: why some givers burn out but others are on fire -- Chump change: overcoming the doormat effect -- The scrooge shift: why a soccer team, a fingerprint and a name can tilt us in the other direction -- Out of the shadows.