The gathering storm in the churches [by] Jeffrey K. Hadden.
Material type:
- 209/.04
- BR 115 .W6 H28 1969

Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. [237]-248)
ch. 1 The threefold crisis. The crisis of meaning and purpose --
Crisis of belief --
Crisis of authority --
ch. 2 The nature of religious belief. The religious beliefs of protestant clergy --
The religious beliefs of protestant laity --
Summary --
ch. 3 Religious beliefs and social issues. Introduction --
The religious and social beliefs of clergy --
Reciprocal influences of clergy and laity --
The religious and social benefits of laity --
ch. 4 Clergy and laity view the civil rights issue. Introduction --
Attitudes of clergy about civil rights --
Extent of clergy involvement in civil rights activity --
Attitudes of church --
Laity about civil rights --
Lay attitudes toward clergy --
Involvement in civil rights activity --
Summary --
ch. 5 The struggle for involvement. Introduction --
The road to involvement --
Historical perspective on clergy involvement --
Structural restraints in the south and the role of outside agitators --
Structural freedom and the non-parish clergyman --
Summary --
ch. 6 Collision with reality. Introduction --
The clergyman's crisis of identity --
Some thoughts for the new breed.