Nova religio : NR : the journal of alternative and emergent religions.

Material type: Continuing resourceContinuing resourceSeries: Nova religio ; Vol.10, No.2Publication details: Chappaqua, NY : Seven Bridges Press, c1997-; Berkeley, CA : University of California Press Nov 2006Description: 139p. ; 23 cmISSN:
  • 1092-6690
Other title:
  • NR
  • Journal of alternative and emergent religions
Subject(s): Additional physical formats: Nova religio (Online)DDC classification:
  • 200/.5 21
LOC classification:
  • BL1 .N68
Available additional physical forms:
  • Also issued via the World Wide Web.
Item type: Periodical

Psychopathologies and the Attribution of Charisma: A critical Introduction to the pschology of charisma and the explanation of violence in new religious movements;
The social construction of prophecy in the family international;
Jewish yoga: Experiencing flexible, sacred, and Jewish bodies;
Scaling heaven's gate: Individualism and Salvation in a New religious movement;

Also issued via the World Wide Web.

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