The Protestant Reformation edited by Hans J. Hillerbrand.

By: Material type: TextTextSeries: Documentary history of Western civilization | Harper torchbooks, TB1342Publication details: New York, Harper & Row [1968]Edition: [1st ed.]Description: xxvii, 290 p. 21 cmSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • 270.6/08
I. The German Reformation -- Martin Luther: preface to the first volume of Latin writings (1545) -- Martin Luther: The freedom of a Christian man (1520) -- Martin Luther: Invocavit sermons (1522) -- Martin Luther: preface to the German translation of the New Testament (1522) -- Martin Luther: on governmental authority (1523) -- Twelve Articles of the peasants (1525) -- Martin Luther: Friendly admonition to peace concerning the Twelve Articles of the Swabian Peasants (1525) -- Martin Luther: commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians (1535) -- II. Huldrych Zwingli -- Huldrych Zwingli: Commentary on True and False Religion (1525) -- III. The Anabaptists -- Conrad Grebel and the Zürich Anabaptists: Letter to Thomas Müntzer (1524) -- Schleitheim Confession of Faith (1527) -- Augustin Würzlburger: proceedings of his trial (1528) -- Peter Riedemann: Account of our Religion (1565) -- Elizabeth, a Dutch Anabaptist martyr: a letter (1573) -- IV: John Calvin -- John Calvin: Reply to Sadoleto (1540) -- Ecclesiastical Ordinances. Geneva (1541) -- John Calvin: the Institutes of the Christian religion (1559) -- Philip Mornay: a defence of liberty against tyrants (1579) -- V: The English Reformation -- William Tyndale: the New Testament in English (1525) -- John Jewel: an apology for the Church of England (1562) -- John Field and Thomas Wilcox: an admonition to the Parliament (1572) -- Richard Hooker: Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (1593 ff.).
Summary: Summary:Summary: Presents twenty-two documents from the Protestant Reformation by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, the Anabaptists, and leaders in the English Reformation.
Item type: Books
Current library Collection Call number Vol info Status Date due Barcode
Judith Thomas Library General Stacks BKS BR 301 .H64 1968 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) AUA015708 Available AUA015708

Includes bibliographical references.


I. The German Reformation --
Martin Luther: preface to the first volume of Latin writings (1545) --
Martin Luther: The freedom of a Christian man (1520) --
Martin Luther: Invocavit sermons (1522) --
Martin Luther: preface to the German translation of the New Testament (1522) --
Martin Luther: on governmental authority (1523) --
Twelve Articles of the peasants (1525) --
Martin Luther: Friendly admonition to peace concerning the Twelve Articles of the Swabian Peasants (1525) --
Martin Luther: commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians (1535) --
II. Huldrych Zwingli --
Huldrych Zwingli: Commentary on True and False Religion (1525) --
III. The Anabaptists --
Conrad Grebel and the Zürich Anabaptists: Letter to Thomas Müntzer (1524) --
Schleitheim Confession of Faith (1527) --
Augustin Würzlburger: proceedings of his trial (1528) --
Peter Riedemann: Account of our Religion (1565) --
Elizabeth, a Dutch Anabaptist martyr: a letter (1573) --
IV: John Calvin --
John Calvin: Reply to Sadoleto (1540) --
Ecclesiastical Ordinances. Geneva (1541) --
John Calvin: the Institutes of the Christian religion (1559) --
Philip Mornay: a defence of liberty against tyrants (1579) --
V: The English Reformation --
William Tyndale: the New Testament in English (1525) --
John Jewel: an apology for the Church of England (1562) --
John Field and Thomas Wilcox: an admonition to the Parliament (1572) --
Richard Hooker: Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (1593 ff.).


Presents twenty-two documents from the Protestant Reformation by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, the Anabaptists, and leaders in the English Reformation.