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Calendar and Chronology, Jewish and Christian: Biblical, intertestamental and patristic studies/ Time in the Bible/ Time -Biblical teaching Calendar,Jewish/ Chronology, Jewish/ Bible-Criticism, interpretation Dead sea scrolls-Criticism, interpretation/ Church, year -history
Bible and geology History of doctrines.
Bible. O.T. Chronicles, 1st, IV, 10 Prayers History and criticism.
Bible. O.T. Chronicles, 1st, 4, 10 Prayers History and criticism.
Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Prayers History and criticism.
Archaeology and the Old Testament: Bible O.T.-Antiquities/ History of Biblical events/
Bible New Testament Prayers History and criticism.
Bible. New Testament Commentaries History and criticism.
Bible. Old Testament Commentaries History and criticism.
Bible. New Testament Prayers History and criticism.
Bible and geology History of doctrines.