The Gospel of John and Judaism /

Barrett, C. K. 1917-

The Gospel of John and Judaism / [by] C. K. Barrett ; translated from the German by D. M. Smith. - London : S.P.C.K., 1975. - ix, 101 p. ; 21 cm. - Franz Delitzsch lectures ; 1967 . - Franz Delitzsch-Vorlesungen ; 1967. .

Translation of Das Johannesevangelium und das Judentum. Delivered at the University of Münster.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

0281028559 : 0281028192 £3.50.



Bible.--N.T.--John--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Jews in the New Testament.

BS2615.2 / .B3513 1975b
