The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them. By J.H. Kellogg.

By: Material type: TextTextSeries: Review and Herald Library CollectionPublication details: Battle Creek, Mich. Modern Medicine Pub. Co., 1896.Edition: 1st edDescription: 368 p. col. front. illus. 21 cmSubject(s): LOC classification:
  • RC816.K29 1896
Online resources:
The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them
The organs of digestion
The digestive fluids
General view of the digestive process
The maladies of the modern stomach
Important new discoveries relating to digestion
Symptoms of dyspepsia
The symptomatic treatment of indigestion
Treatment of dyspepsia
Remedies for the home treatment of dyspepsia
Quacks and nostrums
Graphic method
Item type: Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office
Current library Collection Call number Vol info Status Date due Barcode
Judith Thomas Library EGW Estate Branch Office EGW Estate Branch Office RC816.K29 1896 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) 1252 Available

The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them

The organs of digestion


The digestive fluids

General view of the digestive process

The maladies of the modern stomach

Important new discoveries relating to digestion

Symptoms of dyspepsia

The symptomatic treatment of indigestion

Treatment of dyspepsia

Remedies for the home treatment of dyspepsia

Quacks and nostrums

Graphic method